5 Ways Video Technology Has Enhanced the Quality and Accountability of Police Work
By 2022, police forces in the United States are expected to increase by an estimated 41,000 people. While that's great news for law enforcement, it's even better news for video technology like police dash camera systems and body cameras.
These two devices have changed police work drastically in recent years, and will continue to do so in the future. More and more police departments are requiring the use of police dash camera systems and body cameras, and for good reason. Here are five ways these technologies have made a positive impact on police forces.
Providing Evidence in Domestic Violence Cases
Domestic violence cases are widespread, but difficult to pin down at the scene or in court because of a victim's fear to testify against their abuser. When police officers wear body cameras to the scene of a domestic violence crime, they can collect video evidence of a victim's testimony and physical condition.
Improving Evidence Collection
When collecting evidence at the scene of a crime, it can be easy to overlook something with just the human eye. However, if video footage is taken and then reviewed, it gives law enforcement more opportunities to examine the scene and find evidence that may have otherwise been missed.
Officer Accountability
Because police officers are enforcers of the law, it's important that they're held accountable for their actions. Police dash camera systems and body cameras allow departments and officers to stay accountable for their actions, as well as to record important situations.
Decreasing Complaints Against Officers
While this is in the same thread as officer accountability, it takes citizens' actions into account as well. Video recording technology has improved the actions and accountability of both citizens and police officers in many situations. Cameras can protect both officers and civilians in tense situations, and continue to improve the quality of police work performed by officers everywhere.
Whether it's a body camera or a dashboard camera, this technology has changed police work, and will continue to do so. So long as it's used properly, this technology has the ability to change the way the world looks at police for the better.